martes, 29 de enero de 2013

The destroyed innocence

Under the Midnight Moon, while darkness numbed to the half of the planet, I used to immerse me in strange autoprovocados dreams, that could well describe as autosuggestion, I was student of metaphysics of one lesser degree, most however already beginning to explore the largest and most dangerous techniques of this pseudo science, while I was doing what the people known as ghosting, I could see the world my around without having your eyes open, this was the most impressive thing he had seen, however as I said this could be simply as an autosuggestion, because the power of the human mind goes beyond what we can think, this power can be in our favor or against us, however for some strange reasoncame the point where ghosting was sometimes happening while he slept, or at least I think I must explain strange events attention in these dreams, sometimes remained in a dark room as infinite and so long in which there was no time or space, therefore whatever that you had in this room, it was somewhat pragmatic and monstrous but not be say the whyThese dreams continued over and over again until I finally decided to look for help, more however I began to suffer a terrible drowsiness, to the extent of thinking that he was suffering from a mental problem or health, so I went to a doctor and this discovered that my sleepiness due to certain herbal medicines that took me to keep me active, therefore left my concerns however in my dreams still roamed strange places of mysterious indoles, one of these was a door mysterious as a symbol four triangles around a strange circular world in which remained a star of four peaks, although never dared to carry it, sometimes day after day, night after night I drewbetween my notes and study of college textbooks, I chatted all this to a friend who also studied metaphysics, but in more advanced degree, it warned me that it shouldn't approach me those doors, because these doors open and are sometimes closed leaving the free body to be taken away by a stark, or a being of possession, the however the mysterious door was still appearing in my dreams, filling me with anxiety, so one day while dreaming, I decided that it would enter that door, I approached this which was a huge mound of stones in which remained that damn symbol, take all the air I was able to give me value and enter.

The first thing that I remember to have traded anything, were seven ascending steps which glistened in mysterious ways in vibrant colors in hues ever seen by me, there were other seven steps that descended in strange colours ochre and dark, most however bright colors were more terrifying than dark colors for some reason unknown to me, but yet continue the ascent towardsevery step my astral body became increasingly heavier, each step was terribly attractive and could not upload more, more however I knew that I should continue, it hardly reaches the seventh step happened what can not describe very well, at least believe that there was an explosion, an explosion of billions of stars, and my body descended ever deeper into a thick strange blacknesswas that filled me with some horror, really trying to scream and move me, but I never got it, so somehow I woke up.

The look of that man was impenetrable, their dark brown skin, canosa beard and his edgy look as that of a jaguar saw me attentive, as if he noticed a strange object and not a human being;

-Welcome traveller, you're not from here but you've come here by your own desire, so let me make it clear, East our world, at least not as you know, in this place the rules change, wherever you come, you're in a place that you does not belong neither in time nor space, therefore take care not to do stupid things -

The old man turned and retreated slowly, while it is supported with a cane mysteriously designed with spectral shapes;
- but where I am-

The old man laught;
-Where your desire has led you-

Said the elder while retreating, I remained at that site for some time noticing that it was a forest, but it was not a forest a forest in which the foliage moved without that there would be wind, seemed not only, not very far either was listened to the sound of a river that surely overflowed in a waterfall, it was then that you hear, the hooves of horses and moans, the voices of men talking strange obscenities, the men finally came inside the thicket of trees mounted their horses and I observed, greeted me with a name that I do not met, Teo called me and seeing my face of confusion believed that he had suffered a strong blow to the head and that he was woundedwent forced me to accompany them to his strange journey, these men were carrying bows and arrows, swords, masses of battle as well as a quite different from steel metal Armors, I went the way with these men without knowing where they were going, even if we delve into the forest every time more, and the more did it became increasingly mysterious, strangest and most scary, it was then that we come to a cave, in which the men descended taking swords and other weapons, I was given the order to stay behind them while I was carrying a shield and a mass, we are entering this cave alumbrandonos with a torch approaching a darkness impenetrable, which should remain United not to get lost in the strange caveWhile continued were finding bodies in pools of blood at times bodies were shattered, on other occasions the bodies had been mutilated and on other occasions they had been stacked in large packages of meat, bodies did think that they were of children and girls aged between 13 and 15 years, we will continue advancing, while my co-workers placed the scuba equipment and preparing more even their weaponsWe were getting more and more until finally found a group of men who see us when we launched the attack as wild beasts, the battle began in an uneven way, however my travel companions were far more proficient in combat than the attackers, during these events I found myself forced to fight for my life and kill itthat was how ended what, we had killed at least 20 people, was then that the leader of the group led us deeper into the cave, where we found bodies scattered others of these children, was then that I realized that these children had strange membranes stuck to your body, these were huge and looked like wings of an insect, a pretty big oneone of the soldiers said;

-We arrived late, these killers have killed all the fairies in this cave-

The captain replied;

-Meet all the bodies and prendanles fire-

After this I was forced to perform those actions quite monstrous, I remembered my childhood children's films that do not resemble at all this, one of the men began to talk to me saying;

-I have an uncle that tell many stories of forests, one of those stories said that when a child is too special among men, a fairy turns and disappears from the village to search for others who are born equally special to them, however as you can see, these marries them to tear out the wings and sell black-market between black magicians and alchemists more profaneThis is worse that a nightmare, is an eyesore, even assuming that this race is very different from men, no one has the right to make this kind of actions to any other living being, wolves hunt by hunger and sometimes kill the men but they do so by feeding, not for money or fame, but these human offal that make these terrible actionsthey are real monsters, some men should simply never being born, because you say you, who are you to decide who lives and who dies?, I think he's right, but who were they to murder as well?, so much barbarity cannot be justified in any way in any race -

The conversation had to end because the fire started and we had to get out of the cave, expecting us abroad a man I knew, was the man in black, although this time wore a mask of Devil with two long horns, said the captain of the Group of warriors;

-great necromancer, your will has done, but I fear that we have arrived late and all the inhabitants of the cave were killed-

Through the mask man observed the soldiers among them to me;
-To return to their homes, do not have anyone on this, any foreigner entering the forest without consent of you matenle immediately because these murderers will not hesitate to do the same with you, as for you traveller, you must return by where it came, until it too -

The dream ended suddenly as if this man had ordered it, I woke up in my bed looking for blood from corpses and samples of combat, everything seemed to have been a dream, one quite disturbing, that sometimes I remember so vividly that fills me with horror, with such shattered bodies, sometimes dream of what they told me in the dream were innocent creatures, on one occasion while my niece saw a children's movie sombre fairies, I got a shiver, because they spoke of magic and power in the hands of a pirate, this children and especially to my niece, liked much and it made them dreaming of magical stories of beautiful and mysterious places, but I enter me in chilling memoriesof strange mysterious and profane, events that fill my mind uncertainty, because a fairy represents today a curious symbol of magical power, however in antiquity were symbol of innocence and virtue, which I saw completely devastated.

Hello, my name is Overtimeneowar, I'm a writer by choice, i make Amateur art, if you like my work and want help me, shares my blogg links on your faceboock or twitter, follow me on my page Faceboock, Poesia e historias de terror , or my Youtube channel Overtimeneowar, greetings and a good night ....

Inocencia destrosada

Bajo la luna de medianoche, mientras la oscuridad adormece a la mitad del planeta, yo solía sumergirme en extraños sueños autoprovocados, que bien podría describir como autosugestión, era yo estudiante de metafísica de un grado menor, mas sin embargo ya empezaba a explorar las más grandes y peligrosas técnicas de esta pseudo ciencia, mientras realizaba lo que la gente conoce como el desdoblamiento, pude ver el mundo mi alrededor sin tener los ojos abiertos, esto era lo más impresionante que hubiese visto, sin embargo como he dicho esto podría quedar simplemente como un autosugestión, porque el poder de la mente humana va más allá de lo que podemos pensar, este poder puede ser a nuestro favor o en nuestra contra, sin embargo por alguna extraña razón, llegó el punto en el que el desdoblamiento a veces sucedía mientras dormía, o al menos eso creo, debo explicar extraños sucesos acontecían en estos sueños, en ocasiones permanecía en una habitación oscura tan infinita y tan larga en la cual no había tiempo o espacio, por lo tanto lo que fuera que hubiese en esta habitación, era algo pragmático y monstruoso aunque no se Decir el por qué, estos sueños continuaron una y otra vez hasta que por fin decidí buscar ayuda, mas sin embargo empezaba yo a sufrir una somnolencia terrible, al grado de Pensar que sufría un problema mental o de salud, por lo que fui a un médico y este descubrió que mi somnolencia se debía a ciertos medicamentos naturistas que tomaba yo para mantenerme activo, por lo tanto dejé mis preocupaciones más sin embargo en mis sueños aún vagaban extraños lugares de misteriosas índoles, uno de estos fue una puerta misteriosa como un símbolo cuatro triángulos alrededor de un extraño mundo circular en el cual permanecía una estrella de cuatro picos, aunque jamás me atreví a transportarla, a veces dibujaba día tras día, noche tras noche, entre mis notas y libros de estudio de la Universidad, platiqué todo esto a un amigo que también estudió metafísica, pero en grado más avanzado, éste me advirtió que no debería de acercarme aquellas puertas, porque estas puertas se abren y a veces se cierran dejando al cuerpo libre para ser tomado por un descarnado, o un ser de posesión, la sin embargo la misteriosa puerta seguía apareciendo en mis sueños, llenándome de ansiedad, por lo que un día mientras soñaba, decidí que entraría aquella puerta, me acerqué a esta la cual era un enorme montículo de piedras en las que permanecía aquel símbolo maldito, tome todo el aire que pude para darme valor y entrar.

Lo primero que recuerdo al haber traspasado aquello, fueron siete escalones ascendentes los cuales brillaban de maneras misteriosas en colores vibrantes en matices jamás vistos por mi persona, había otros siete escalones que descendían en extraños colores ocres y oscuros, más sin embargo los colores brillantes eran más aterrorizantes que los colores oscuros por algún motivo que desconozco, mas sin embargo continúe el camino hacia el ascenso, a cada paso mi cuerpo astral se volvía cada vez más pesado, cada escalón era terriblemente atrayente y no podía subir más, más sin embargo yo sabía que debía continuar, difícilmente llegue al séptimo escalón y sucedió lo que no puedo describir muy bien, al menos creo que hubo una explosión, una explosión de miles de millones de estrellas y mi cuerpo descendía cada vez más en una espesa extraña negrura, que me llenaba de cierto terror, realmente trataba de gritar y moverme, pero nunca lo conseguí, fue entonces que de alguna forma desperté.

La mirada de aquel hombre era impenetrable, su piel morena obscura, su barba canosa y su mirada afilada como la de un jaguar me veía atento, como si observase a un extraño objeto y no a un ser humano;

-Bienvenido viajero, tú no eres de aquí pero has venido aquí por tu propio deseo, por lo tanto déjame dejar en claro, este nuestro mundo, al menos no el que conoces, en este lugar las reglas cambian, de donde sea que vengas, estás en un lugar que no te pertenece ni en el tiempo ni el espacio, por lo tanto cuídate de no hacer estupideces-

El anciano se dio la vuelta y se retiró lentamente, mientras se apoyaba con un bastón misteriosamente diseñado con formas espectrales;

-¿pero donde me encuentro?-

El anciano río;

-A donde tu deseo te ha llevado-

Dijo el anciano mientras se retiraba, permanecí en ese sitio durante algún tiempo notando que era un bosque, pero no era un bosque cualquiera era un bosque en el cual el follaje se movía sin que hubiese viento, parecía no estar solo, no muy lejos se escuchaba el sonido de un río que seguramente desbordaba en una catarata, fue entonces que escuche, los cascos de caballos y relinchos, las voces de hombres platicando extrañas obscenidades, los hombres salieron por fin dentro de la espesura de los árboles montados en sus caballos y me observaron, me saludaron con un nombre que no conocí, me llamaban Teo y al ver mi rostro de confusión creyeron que había sufrido un fuerte golpe en la cabeza y que estaba herido, me fui obligado a acompañarles a su extraño trayecto, estos hombres cargaban arcos y flechas, espadas, Masas de batalla así como armaduras de un metal bastante diferente al acero, proseguí el camino con estos hombres sin saber a dónde íbamos, aunque nos adentramos en el bosque cada vez más, y mientras más lo hacíamos se volvía cada vez más misterioso, más extraño y más tenebroso, fue entonces que llegamos a una cueva, en la cual los hombres descendieron sacando espadas y demás armas, se me dio la orden de permanecer atrás de ellos mientras yo cargaba una masa y un escudo, nos adentramos en esta cueva alumbrandonos con una antorcha acercándonos a un oscuridad impenetrable, en la que debíamos permanecer unidos para no perdernos en la extraña gruta, Mientras Proseguían fuimos encontrando cadáveres de personas en charcos de sangre en ocasiones los cuerpos permanecían destrozados, en otras ocasiones los cuerpos habían sido mutilados y en otras ocasiones habían sido apilados en grandes bultos de carne, los cuerpos hicieron pensar que se trataban de niños y niñas de entre 13 y 15 años, proseguimos avanzando, mientras que mis compañeros se colocaban las escafandra y preparaban más aún sus armas, nos fuimos adentrando cada vez más hasta que por fin encontramos a un grupo de hombres que al momento de vernos se nos lanzaron al ataque como fieras, La batalla comenzó de una manera dispareja, mas sin embargo mis compañeros de viaje eran mucho más diestros en el combate que los atacantes, durante estos sucesos me vi forzado a luchar por mi vida y matar por ella, así fue como terminó aquello, habíamos asesinado a por lo menos 20 personas, fue entonces que el líder del grupo nos llevó más adentro de la caverna, donde encontramos cuerpos esparcidos demás de estos niños, fue entonces que me di cuenta que estos niños tenían extrañas membranas pegadas a su cuerpo, éstas eran enormes y parecían alas de un insecto, uno bastante grande, uno de los soldados comentó;

-hemos llegado tarde, estos asesinos han matado a todos las Hadas de esta cueva-

El capitán le contestó;

-Reúnan todos los cuerpos y prendanles Fuego-

Después de esto me vi obligado a realizar aquellas acciones bastante monstruosas, Recordé las películas infantiles de mi infancia que no se parecen en lo absoluto a esto, uno de los hombres empezó hablar conmigo diciendo;

-Tengo un tío que cuentan muchas historias de los bosques, una de esas historias dice que cuando un niño es demasiado especial entre los hombres, se vuelve un hada y desaparece del pueblo para buscar a los demás que han nacido igualmente especiales a ellos, sin embargo como puedes ver, a éstos se les casa para arrancarle las alas y venderlas en el mercado negro entre los magos negros y los alquimistas más profanos, Esto es peor que una pesadilla, es una monstruosidad, aun suponiendo que esta raza sea mucho muy diferente a la de los hombres, nadie tiene derecho a realizar esta clase de acciones a ningún otro ser vivo, los Lobos casan por hambre y a veces matan a los hombres pero lo hacen por alimentarse, no para conseguir dinero o fama, pero estos despojos humanos que hacen estos acciones terribles, son verdaderos monstruos, algunos hombres deberían simplemente jamás haber nacido, porque dices tú, ¿quién eres tú para decidir quién vive y quién muere?, Creo yo que tiene razón, ¿pero quienes eran estos para asesinar así?, Tanta barbarie no puede ser justificada de ninguna forma en ninguna raza-

La plática tuvo que terminar porque se inició el fuego y tuvimos que salir de la caverna, en el exterior nos esperaba un hombre que yo conocí, era el hombre de negro, aunque esta vez llevaba una máscara de demonio con dos largos cuernos, el capitán del grupo de guerreros dijo;

-gran Nigromante, tu voluntad se ha hecho, pero me temo que hemos llegado tarde y todos los habitantes de la caverna fueron asesinados-

El hombre a través de la máscara observó a los soldados entre ellos a mi;

-Regresen a sus casas, no cuenten a nadie sobre esto, a todo extranjero que entre al bosque sin consentimiento de ustedes matenle inmediatamente Porque estos asesinos no dudarán en hacer lo mismo con ustedes, en cuanto a ti viajero, debes regresar por donde viniste, Antes de que sea demasiado-

El sueño terminó súbitamente como si este hombre lo hubiese ordenado, desperté en mi cama buscando la sangre de los cadáveres y muestras del combate, todo parecía haber sido un sueño, uno bastante inquietante, que a veces recuerdo tan vívidamente que me llena de terror, a veces sueño con esos cuerpos destrozados, de lo que según me dijeron en ese sueño eran inocentes criaturas, en cierta ocasión mientras mi sobrina veía una película infantil sombre las hadas, me llegó un escalofrío, porque hablaban de magia y de el poder de estas en las manos de un pirata, esto los niños y en especial a mi sobrina, les gustaba mucho y les hacía soñar con mágicas historias de lugares hermosos y misteriosos, pero a mí me adentran en recuerdos escalofriantes, de extraños sucesos misteriosos y profanos, que llenan mi mente incertidumbre, porque una hada representa hoy en día un curioso símbolo de poder mágico, mas sin embargo en la antigüedad eran símbolo de inocencia y virtud, los cuales yo vi totalmente destrozados.

Hola, mi nombre es Overtimeneowar, soy escritor Amateur por gusto al arte, si te gusta mi trabajo apoyame, comparte los links de mi blogg en tu faceboock o twitter, sígueme en Faceboock en mi pagina, Poesía e historias de terror, o en mi canal de Youtube Overtimeneowar, saludos y que pases buenas noches....

lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Town of Dammed 9 (Real del Oro 9)


They were comings bad, but we did not expect that even more worse...

Daniel woke up surrounded by people who did not know, in the light of the candles from a strange Church, which recalled the dark days when Christianity was a mass without a guide, when the land was free, people to your around him looked attentive, as if they expect something of the, as if the was chosen, the sacrifice the minor gods to avoid the wrath of the elder godsa priest saw it with true contempt of anarchic power, that the force of the power of the religions in the masses, said Daniel;
-quiet, don't try get up-
said a woman;
-that happened to me? -
I ask confused, while played the front, noting a blow and their trapping ear;
-you fall victim of the cry of one of the shadows, don't worry, we are confident of the demon until you reach the deity -
Daniel ask;
He saw with extrañase those people dressed in blanket and clothes of ochre, dark colors and very few showy;
-the deity, is one that must fight against the demon plaguing this people -
Daniel put a face of disbelief that would make Nietche blushing;
- How can you believe that?-
-in the same way that you've been attacked, we were attacked, we have seen what your you've seen things far worse, increases the power of the demon, and never decreases, but your with your lack of faith not aid and feed it only -
Daniel tried to get up, but something made rumbling underground Church;
-child understands one thing, your insurance know about atoms, but I assure you that you never, you've seen one, you know of its existence that others have told you, but never have seen one, do that makes you think that they have not lied to you, it makes you think that people don't earn what your think is truth?-
the door was hit heavily, to the degree that shook the entire room, people I get scared, the door was opened and a flare of light entered the room...

light up the stars burn, your you burns like stars...

Daniel woke up again, I was in the Church, the pale light of candles illuminated the room, to get up realized that he was surrounded by corpses, of people falling on the ground, in the pews had people burned with faces of pain and indescribable suffering, when I wake up saw the closeness to a young person of at least 15 yearssaw him with strangeness, but at the same time with contempt, the roof began to descend chains which smote banging against each other, which seemed to meander blindly looking for something, Daniel knew it, they sought him, Daniel started to run as fast as he could, while his heart beating as fast as a locomotive engine, bothered by sweat, but no matter, the moment is not to catch up as delicate Princess, run as the demon of the night, run, by that you have started, you don't know that, but you know it, has started, a cycle that had been broken, long overdue, since the infancy of Carmen and e questions as you know that, take a cross, if that demon must fear to las crucesthe chains follow you, Daniel is ready to use the cross, turned but chains do not stop, ´rosiguen his way and carried Daniel among these where scrunch and it only reaches to scream full of terror...

Moments later awakens within a cell, where one large bag of meat, or at least so can describe it, he observes, that being was boiled with steel wire, does not form more than legs and between seams of flesh you drop a liquid that it seems sometimes blood and saliva...


They were comings bad, but we did not expect that even more worse...

Daniel woke up surrounded by people who did not know, in the light of the candles from a strange Church, which recalled the dark days when Christianity was a mass without a guide, when the land was free, people to your around him looked attentive, as if they expect something of the, as if the was chosen, the sacrifice the minor gods to avoid the wrath of the elder godsa priest saw it with true contempt of anarchic power, that the force of the power of the religions in the masses, said Daniel;
-quiet, don't try get up-
said a woman;
-that happened to me? -
I ask confused, while played the front, noting a blow and their trapping ear;
-you fall victim of the cry of one of the shadows, don't worry, we are confident of the demon until you reach the deity -
Daniel ask;
He saw with extrañase those people dressed in blanket and clothes of ochre, dark colors and very few showy;
-the deity, is one that must fight against the demon plaguing this people -
Daniel put a face of disbelief that would make Nietche blushing;
- How can you believe that?-
-in the same way that you've been attacked, we were attacked, we have seen what your you've seen things far worse, increases the power of the demon, and never decreases, but your with your lack of faith not aid and feed it only -
Daniel tried to get up, but something made rumbling underground Church;
-child understands one thing, your insurance know about atoms, but I assure you that you never, you've seen one, you know of its existence that others have told you, but never have seen one, do that makes you think that they have not lied to you, it makes you think that people don't earn what your think is truth?-
the door was hit heavily, to the degree that shook the entire room, people I get scared, the door was opened and a flare of light entered the room...

light up the stars burn, your you burns like stars...

Daniel woke up again, I was in the Church, the pale light of candles illuminated the room, to get up realized that he was surrounded by corpses, of people falling on the ground, in the pews had people burned with faces of pain and indescribable suffering, when I wake up saw the closeness to a young person of at least 15 yearssaw him with strangeness, but at the same time with contempt, the roof began to descend chains which smote banging against each other, which seemed to meander blindly looking for something, Daniel knew it, they sought him, Daniel started to run as fast as he could, while his heart beating as fast as a locomotive engine, bothered by sweat, but no matter, the moment is not to catch up as delicate Princess, run as the demon of the night, run, by that you have started, you don't know that, but you know it, has started, a cycle that had been broken, long overdue, since the infancy of Carmen and e questions as you know that, take a cross, if that demon must fear to las crucesthe chains follow you, Daniel is ready to use the cross, turned but chains do not stop, ´rosiguen his way and carried Daniel among these where scrunch and it only reaches to scream full of terror...

Moments later awakens within a cell, where one large bag of meat, or at least so can describe it, he observes, that being was boiled with steel wire, does not form more than legs and between seams of flesh you drop a liquid that it seems sometimes blood and saliva...


They were comings bad, but we did not expect that even more worse...

Daniel woke up surrounded by people who did not know, in the light of the candles from a strange Church, which recalled the dark days when Christianity was a mass without a guide, when the land was free, people to your around him looked attentive, as if they expect something of the, as if the was chosen, the sacrifice the minor gods to avoid the wrath of the elder godsa priest saw it with true contempt of anarchic power, that the force of the power of the religions in the masses, said Daniel;
-quiet, don't try get up-
said a woman;
-that happened to me? -
I ask confused, while played the front, noting a blow and their trapping ear;
-you fall victim of the cry of one of the shadows, don't worry, we are confident of the demon until you reach the deity -
Daniel ask;
He saw with extrañase those people dressed in blanket and clothes of ochre, dark colors and very few showy;
-the deity, is one that must fight against the demon plaguing this people -
Daniel put a face of disbelief that would make Nietche blushing;
- How can you believe that?-
-in the same way that you've been attacked, we were attacked, we have seen what your you've seen things far worse, increases the power of the demon, and never decreases, but your with your lack of faith not aid and feed it only -
Daniel tried to get up, but something made rumbling underground Church;
-child understands one thing, your insurance know about atoms, but I assure you that you never, you've seen one, you know of its existence that others have told you, but never have seen one, do that makes you think that they have not lied to you, it makes you think that people don't earn what your think is truth?-
the door was hit heavily, to the degree that shook the entire room, people I get scared, the door was opened and a flare of light entered the room...

light up the stars burn, your you burns like stars...

Daniel woke up again, I was in the Church, the pale light of candles illuminated the room, to get up realized that he was surrounded by corpses, of people falling on the ground, in the pews had people burned with faces of pain and indescribable suffering, when I wake up saw the closeness to a young person of at least 15 yearssaw him with strangeness, but at the same time with contempt, the roof began to descend chains which smote banging against each other, which seemed to meander blindly looking for something, Daniel knew it, they sought him, Daniel started to run as fast as he could, while his heart beating as fast as a locomotive engine, bothered by sweat, but no matter, the moment is not to catch up as delicate Princess, run as the demon of the night, run, by that you have started, you don't know that, but you know it, has started, a cycle that had been broken, long overdue, since the infancy of Carmen and e questions as you know that, take a cross, if that demon must fear to las crucesthe chains follow you, Daniel is ready to use the cross, turned but chains do not stop, ´rosiguen his way and carried Daniel among these where scrunch and it only reaches to scream full of terror...

Moments later awakens within a cell, where one large bag of meat, or at least so can describe it, he observes, that being was boiled with steel wire, does not form more than legs and between seams of flesh you drop a liquid that it seems sometimes blood and saliva...

Hello, my name is Overtimeneowar, I'm a writer by choice Amateur art, if you like my work Sustain me, shares my blogg links on your faceboock or twitter, follow me on my page Faceboock, Poesia e historias de terror , or my Overtimeneowar Youtube channel, greetings and a good night ....

Real del Oro 9


Eran dias malos, pero no esperábamos que todavía mas empeoraran...

Daniel despertó rodeado de gente que no conoció, a la luz de las velas de una iglesia extraña, que recordaba a los oscuros días en los que el cristianismo era una masa deforme sin guía, cuando la tierra era libre, las personas a su alrededor le veían atentos, como si esperasen algo de el, como si el fuese el elegido, el sacrificio a los dioses menores para evitar la ira de los dioses mayores, un sacerdote lo veía con cierto desprecio de poder anarquico, por que la fuerza del poder de las religiones esta en las masas, se dijo Daniel;
-tranquilo, no trates de levantarte-
le dijo una mujer;
-¿que sucedió conmigo?-
pregunto confundido, mientras se tocaba la frente, notando un golpe y su oído reventado;
-caíste victima del grito de una de las sombras, no te preocupes, estamos seguros del demonio hasta que llegue la deidad-
Daniel se pregunto;
vio con extrañase a esa gente vestida de manta y ropas de colores ocres, oscuros y muy pocos vistosos;
-la deidad, es aquella que deberá de pelear contra el demonio que azota este pueblo-
Daniel puso un rostro de incredulidad que haría a Nietche sonrojarse;
-¿como pueden creer eso?-
-de la misma forma que has sido atacado, nosotros fuimos atacados, hemos visto lo que tu has visto y cosas mucho peores, el poder del demonio aumenta y jamas disminuye, pero tu con tu falta de fe no ayudas y solo lo alimentas-
Daniel trato de levantarse, pero algo hizo retumbar la iglesia subterránea;
-entiende una cosa hijo, tu seguro sabes acerca de los átomos, pero te aseguro que jamas has visto uno, sabes de su existencia por que otros te lo han dicho, pero jamas has visto uno, ¿que te hace pensar que no te han mentido, que te hace pensar que esa gente no gana de lo que tu crees que es verdad?-
la puerta fue golpeada fuertemente, al grado que hizo toda la habitación temblar, la gente se asusto, la puerta fue abierta y una llamarada de luz entro a la habitación...

Arden las estrellas arden, tu arderás como las estrellas....

Daniel despertó nuevamente, estaba en la iglesia, la pálida luz de las velas iluminaba la habitación, al levantarse se dio cuenta que estaba rodeado de cadáveres, de gente caída en el suelo, en las bancas había gente quemada con rostros de dolor y sufrimiento indescriptible, cuando se levanto vio a la cercanía a un joven de por lo menos 15 años, le veía con extrañeza, pero a la vez con desprecio, del techo empezaron a descender cadenas las cuales chispeaban golpeándose unas contra otras, las cuales parecían serpentear buscando a ciegas algo, Daniel lo supo, lo buscaban a el, Daniel empezó a correr, tan rápido como pudo, mientras su corazón latía tan rápido como el motor de una locomotora, el sudor le molesta, pero no importa, el momento no es para ponerse como princesa delicada, corre como el demonio de la noche, corre, por que ha iniciado, no sabes que, pero lo sabes, ha iniciado, un ciclo que se había roto, desde hace mucho tiempo, desde la infancia de Carmen y e preguntas como sabes eso, tomas una cruz, si ese demonio debe temer a las cruces, las cadenas te siguen, Daniel se gira listo para usar la cruz, pero las cadenas no se detienen, prosiguen su camino y se llevan a Daniel entre estas donde lo estrujan y este solo alcanza a gritar lleno de terror...

Momentos después despierta, dentro de una celda, donde una gran bolsa de carne, o al menos asi la puede describir, le observa, ese ser fue cocido con hilo de acero, no tiene forma mas que unas piernas y de entre las costuras de carne viva deja caer un liquido babeante y otras veces sangre....

Hola, mi nombre es Overtimeneowar, soy escritor Amateur por gusto al arte, si te gusta mi trabajo apoyame, comparte los links de mi blogg en tu faceboock o twitter, sígueme en Faceboock en mi pagina, Poesía e historias de terror, o en mi canal de Youtube Overtimeneowar, saludos y que pases buenas noches....

sábado, 19 de enero de 2013

El final de los dias

Sombríos días de eternos momentos profanos, hartazgo de la llana maldad humana, por que se creen superiores en su propia podredumbre, y ellos se creen únicos donde  hay esperanza la destruyen, la malicia es pan de cada día, por siempre hasta el final de sus días

jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

Town of dammed 8 (Real del Oro)

In the mind and the soul there is doors, some, is better to leave them closed...

The nightmare continues think Carmen, while watching the new room, the same room where years ago her boyfriend suicide, even the rope hanging from the ceiling, is she gradually realizes account that had not thought about this in at least 5 years, is easy to forget that hurts, too deep, this makes you think Carmen, but how you think before the smelly room where a rope hangs in the middle of this, she tries to make memory, recall those moments, but is unable to display a strange silhouette hung with a broken neck, which observes with attention with Crystal eyes frozen in the last moment of life, suddenly they are turned in his direction, she was petrified, feels something on his stomach, it is cold and hard, it's the feeling of pure terror;

-No one has purchased life-

said the corpse;

-what you see today tomorrow is only a handful of bones and dust, there is beauty, there is no intelligence, or there is pain, only there is that feeling of what was and will not...-

She walks away, she should stay away, to flee if necessary;

-If, as you always flee...-

He said the voice of the rotten corpse, she finally starts to remember;

-not scape, I could not reach...-

the corpse sees him;

-If you had been here, everything would have been different...-

Carmen realizes, his stomach leaves the feeling of cold by fire, blazing fire in her womb;

-forgive me-

reaches to say before you spit fire from its bowels, if fire, but what emerges is a thick, hazy and green liquid, it is difficult to vomit and more when you have eaten anything, once you finished vomiting, open your eyes well, the rope remains in place, hung and immovable, there is no corpse, no nothing, it is only your imagination so corrupt as your body that has not eaten anything, you realize that perhaps these hallucinations field your psyche its broken to pieces as a broken glass, perhaps, but hallucinations are fantasies, get up, remember that your friends you do not you see horror movies, not why you scared, if not for that you know true terror, so that terror stop as children's films to those movies, but you know that hearing voices, wandering in towns forgotten and mysterious, full of ghosts from the past, those that you don't want to see back to the eyes, some of them, you abandon them for a long time...

-i... leave you...-

Carmen finally remembers, she promised to arrive that night, but she didn't, it was then that succeeded the tragedy;
-all floats, all float...-

say a white face and red nose clown to a child, the child smiles and stretch your hand to catch a balloon;
-that is not true, no one fleet, rather than that you sink...-

Carmen breaking television with the axe, that mysteriously went up in single says, goes to the door and opens, only to see a woman carried her son's hand...

Real del Oro 8

En la mente como en el alma hay puertas, algunas, es mejor dejarlas cerradas...
La pesadilla prosigue, piensa Carmen, mientras ve la nueva habitación, es la misma habitación donde, años atrás su novio se suicido, incluso, la cuerda cuelga desde el techo, ella poco a poco se da cuenta que no había pensado en ello en al menos 5 años, es fácil olvidar lo que duele, muy profundo, esto le hace pensar a Carmen, pero como se puede pensar ante el maloliente cuarto donde una cuerda cuelga en medio de este, ella trata de hacer memoria, recordar esos momentos, pero no logra mas que visualizar una extraña silueta colgada con el cuello roto, que la observa con atención con ojos cristalinos congelados en el ultimo momento de vida, de pronto estos se giran en su dirección, ella se petrifica, siente algo sobre su estomago, es frio y duro, es la sensación del terror puro;

-nadie tiene la vida comprada-

dijo el cadáver;

-lo que ves hoy mañana es solo un puñado de huesos y polvo, no hay belleza, no hay inteligencia, ni hay dolor, solo hay eso, la sensación de lo que se fue y no volverá...-

ella se aleja, debe alejarse, huir si es necesario;

-si, como siempre huyes...-

dice la voz del cadáver putrefacto, ella por fin empieza a recordar;

-no huy, no pude llegar...-

el cadáver le ve;

-si hubieses estado aquí, todo habría sido distinto...-

Carmen se da cuenta, su estomago deja la sensación del frio por el de fuego, fuego ardiendo en sus entrañas;


alcanza a decir antes de escupir fuego de sus entrañas, si fuego, pero lo que brota es un liquido espeso, brumoso y verde, es difícil vomitar y mas cuando no has comido nada, una ves que termina de vomitar, abre los ojos bien, la soga permanece en su lugar, colgada e inamovible, no hay cadáver ni nada, es solo tu imaginación tan corrompida como tu cuerpo que no ha comido nada, te das cuenta que quizás estas en terreno de las alucinaciones tu psique se esta desquebrajando a pedazos como un vidrio roto, quizás, pero las alucinaciones son fantasías, levántate, recuerda que de tus amigos tu no ves películas de terror, no por que te asusten, si no por que tu conoces el verdadero terror, por lo que ese terror deja como películas infantiles a esas películas, pero tu sabes que escuchar voces, deambular en pueblos olvidados y misteriosos, llenos de fantasmas del pasado, esos que no quieres ver de nuevo a los ojos, algunos de ellos, los abandonaste hace mucho tiempo...

-yo, te abandone...-

Carmen al fin recuerda, ella prometió llegar esa noche, pero no llego, fue entonces que sucedió la tragedia;

-todos flotan, todos flotan...-

dicen un payaso de cara blanca y nariz roja a un niño, el niño sonríe y estira la mano para coger un globo;

-eso no es cierto, nadie flota, antes que eso te hundes...-

dice Carmen rompiendo la televisión con el hacha, que misteriosamente se prendió sola , se dirige a la puerta y abre, solo para ver a una mujer llevando de la mano a su hijo...

domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

Notes From Silent Hill

Today we take the Interstate with direction to the Centre, but is not to the capital to where I want to go, I am perhaps addressing Brahms, a small, homey village, only stop a single one you see and it was to get gasoline, there Cheryl took a hot chocolate, but told me I didn't like him much, of course, in all these shops petrol stations sell chocolate or coffee waste, she used to make us coffee and milk chocolate delicious, as on this cloudy day, I've noticed that Cheryl drawn weird stuff, no, it is not those horrible things that you see in the movies, it is absurd that a child draw things as which pose is made in movies, that is fictional, made bordering on the absurd, she draws the House of your dreams, she knows where this basement, the Chapel (do?), don't know how but she so draws it, it doesn't bother me, but I am pleased, do not think in the death of her adoptive mother, but in the end, his mother, but I wonder if she is moving away from reality, Cheryl is not all ratio may more than I do, that this is real, if only...

Silent Hill Notas desde el infierno

Hoy tomamos la interestatal con dirección al centro, pero no es a la capital a donde quiero ir, me dirijo quizá a Brahms, un pueblo pequeño y hogareño, solamente paramos una sola ves y fue para conseguir gasolina, allí Cheryl tomo un chocolate caliente, pero me dijo que no le gusto mucho, claro, en todas estas tiendas de las gasolineras venden chocolate o café basura, ella solía hacernos café y chocolate con leche delicioso, como en este día nublado, he notado que Cheryl dibuja cosas raras, no, no es de esas horribles cosas que se ven en las películas, es absurdo que un niño dibuje cosas como las que se suponen hacen en las películas, eso es ficticio, de hecho raya en lo absurdo, ella dibuja la casa de sus sueños, ella sabe donde esta el sótano, la capilla (¿?), no sabe como pero ella asi lo dibuja, no me molesta, es mas me alegra, que no piense en la muerte de su madre, adoptiva, pero al final, su madre, pero me pregunto si ella se esta alejando de la realidad, no, Cheryl es cociente de todo quizá mas que yo, que todo esto es real, si tan solo...

Notes from Silent Hill

Today is a special day, bears to my dear Cheryl on vacation away from this home plain of both for her and for me, I so painful memories as she miss it, why the volume of holiday, could she have been chosen any toy that I have given him, but chose this old notebook of drawings that give away some time now, is so tender it, not be would happen if something comes to pass you, my beloved and Cheryl small, not is where come, could lead to Mexico, that stops me?, clear, the journey is very heavy and long, I think it'll take to a nearby place, where there is an amusement park and also has a lake or a river so she can have a nice rememberSometimes I think she will grow and abandon your old man, marry, you will have children, it reckless to know them?, everything is so confused when I think about the future, then I see it and put the feet on the ground and in the present, my beloved Cheryl, you're despite all my daughter, I love you...

Harry Mason

Silent Hill,notas desde el infierno

Hoy es un día especial, llevare a mi querida Cheryl de vacaciones lejos de esta casa llana de recuerdos tan dolorosos tanto para ella y para mi, tanto yo como ella la extrañamos, por eso la tomo de vacaciones, pudo ella haberse elegido cualquier juguete de los que le he regalado, pero eligió ese cuaderno de dibujos viejo que le regale hace ya tiempo, es tan tierna ella, no se que pasaría si algo llega a pasarle, mi amada y pequeña Cheryl, no se a donde lleguemos, podría conducir hasta México, ¿que me detiene?, claro, el viaje es muy pesado y largo, creo que la llevare a un lugar cercano, donde haya un parque de diversiones y que también tenga un lago o un rio para que ella tenga un bonito recuerdo, a veces pienso, ella crecerá y abandonara a su viejo, se casara, tendrá hijos, ¿llegare a conocerlos?, todo es tan confuso cuando pienso en el futuro, entonces la veo y pongo los pies en la tierra y en el presente, mi amada Cheryl, tu eres pese a todo mi hija, te amo....

Harry Mason

sábado, 5 de enero de 2013


Date cuenta de una cosa, estamos en un mundo dominado por la escoria de la mercadotecnia, pero no de la mercadotecnia buena, si no de la mala, ellos quieren que quemes tu cerebro y neuronas con música  mierda, que no te haga pensar o reflexionar acerca del mundo en el que vivimos, tal ves es solo una idea mía, tal ves no...