martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

Vampires 25

Home of the darkness...

Kain awakens part 1

And so began the chaos...

Dr. Wolf entered the House where a desperate Cristina awaited him, behind them were the twin and the mobsters, that Cristina knew part of Vincent family, her boyfriend, the doctor command to the more young people to surround the area, they did so as if the storm does not care about them, but Cristina had other things in mind that worry the Group cold that had those peopleDr. Wolf came up with Cristina, I play at the door and this opened alone, Cristina thought in it, as in the old tales of (vampires) of his childhood, Alexandra his mother watched the sky where the Thunder were becoming strange demonic snakes that witnessing the fall of Satan;


said Dr. Wolf, this did not appear to react, the window had been shattered by an object thrown from the same, down remained a huge table that she had apparently thrown, which was unlikely, the table was too big to be thrown, however;

-Cristina, don't go near-

He said;


Alexandra said crying;

-my baby, my child give it!-

the doctor approached;


Alexandra threw the doctor a push I threw it against the wall, choco with Cristina and this callus swoon;


Alexandra came to collect her daughter;

-Please check you Alexandra -

Alexandra caress her daughter and embrace it.

John see a vampire ally of the Catholic Church;

-eres tu, do you want?-

The vampire is tease, wearing a long trench coat, hair long, in fact looked like a vampire in Anne Rice's books;

-look at you so full of power and all the other sad vampires say respect and fear you, but you are actually weak, could you not against a real vampire -

-do and you really are?-

Lucia took her arm;

-John please-

John I see annoying Lucia;

-Let her case or leave wounded-

John is upset and I threw this, but this him elusive, not moved fast, it looked like slipping slowly;

-Not I came to pick fight but that you will have if you follow-

John threw against the vampire again, this stopped him fist, estrujo it and felt a terrible pain in his arm, as if the vampire was indeed hot, so was;

- How is it possible?-

the vampire River;

-I warned you-

a single push Juan term stuck in brick wall that had received a strong impact;

-I told you, I have come just to talk, get away from that group of vampires or take reprisals-

Juan is annoying, Lucia was filed;


The vampire nodded;

-the next see that we let's us not be so friendly -

the vampire withdrew leaving them alone;

-not you ought, I felt the things-

John stop annoying;


Lucia sigh, as to habit;

-sadness, darkness, non-

on the ground he had pulled something, a silver crucifix;

-You'll shut up when you threw yourself al -

John I see;

-This should make me burn in flames-

Lucia said without knowing, as you know;

-without faith is useless-

the rain began to fall was brought from the East side of the city.

Nadia and Job were reading books, manuscripts and other information possessed by Javier;

-why if it is so powerful not escaping only?-

I ask Job;

-by another vampire captured it in that hell, so powerful as -

Nadia was surprised;


the door was opened entered an acquaintance of Nadia, Vincent;

-Vincent, I present my pedophile uncle and his girlfriend, are interested in our small research-


-do pedophile?, what if we speak with the judge on the case of Antonia-

Javier is annoying, but don't answer, Vincent greet the two and Javier went on;

-who could have him captured maybe was Judas Iscariot, vampire of age Christian, are only conjectures, but stated in documents of the Church that they have contact with, but does not specify how -

There was a strange silence;

-not be you I'm hungry -

said Javier;

-We are going to the nearby taqueria, they prepare them well-

said Vincent;

-the old pay-

This is not like a Job, but he said nothing, Nadia take her hand.

Russian observe the road while driving Joseph;

-Sorry guys, all this me out of my mind -

Michael and the others laughed and joked, but Jose would not let see path, believed to see the proximity a silhouette stood on the side of the road, was a shadow black sosteneindo a scythe;

-Russian, you extrañábamos, only olvidemoslo and make that you step not nothing-

Russian gave him a pat on the back, shadow was watching and Jose knew it, time was approaching.

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