Under the Midnight Moon, while darkness numbed to the half of the planet, I used to immerse me in strange autoprovocados dreams, that could well describe as autosuggestion, I was student of metaphysics of one lesser degree, most however already beginning to explore the largest and most dangerous techniques of this pseudo science, while I was doing what the people known as ghosting, I could see the world my around without having your eyes open, this was the most impressive thing he had seen, however as I said this could be simply as an autosuggestion, because the power of the human mind goes beyond what we can think, this power can be in our favor or against us, however for some strange reasoncame the point where ghosting was sometimes happening while he slept, or at least I think I must explain strange events attention in these dreams, sometimes remained in a dark room as infinite and so long in which there was no time or space, therefore whatever that you had in this room, it was somewhat pragmatic and monstrous but not be say the whyThese dreams continued over and over again until I finally decided to look for help, more however I began to suffer a terrible drowsiness, to the extent of thinking that he was suffering from a mental problem or health, so I went to a doctor and this discovered that my sleepiness due to certain herbal medicines that took me to keep me active, therefore left my concerns however in my dreams still roamed strange places of mysterious indoles, one of these was a door mysterious as a symbol four triangles around a strange circular world in which remained a star of four peaks, although never dared to carry it, sometimes day after day, night after night I drewbetween my notes and study of college textbooks, I chatted all this to a friend who also studied metaphysics, but in more advanced degree, it warned me that it shouldn't approach me those doors, because these doors open and are sometimes closed leaving the free body to be taken away by a stark, or a being of possession, the however the mysterious door was still appearing in my dreams, filling me with anxiety, so one day while dreaming, I decided that it would enter that door, I approached this which was a huge mound of stones in which remained that damn symbol, take all the air I was able to give me value and enter.
The first thing that I remember to have traded anything, were seven ascending steps which glistened in mysterious ways in vibrant colors in hues ever seen by me, there were other seven steps that descended in strange colours ochre and dark, most however bright colors were more terrifying than dark colors for some reason unknown to me, but yet continue the ascent towardsevery step my astral body became increasingly heavier, each step was terribly attractive and could not upload more, more however I knew that I should continue, it hardly reaches the seventh step happened what can not describe very well, at least believe that there was an explosion, an explosion of billions of stars, and my body descended ever deeper into a thick strange blacknesswas that filled me with some horror, really trying to scream and move me, but I never got it, so somehow I woke up.
The look of that man was impenetrable, their dark brown skin, canosa beard and his edgy look as that of a jaguar saw me attentive, as if he noticed a strange object and not a human being;
-Welcome traveller, you're not from here but you've come here by your own desire, so let me make it clear, East our world, at least not as you know, in this place the rules change, wherever you come, you're in a place that you does not belong neither in time nor space, therefore take care not to do stupid things -
The old man turned and retreated slowly, while it is supported with a cane mysteriously designed with spectral shapes;
- but where I am-
The old man laught;
-Where your desire has led you-
Said the elder while retreating, I remained at that site for some time noticing that it was a forest, but it was not a forest a forest in which the foliage moved without that there would be wind, seemed not only, not very far either was listened to the sound of a river that surely overflowed in a waterfall, it was then that you hear, the hooves of horses and moans, the voices of men talking strange obscenities, the men finally came inside the thicket of trees mounted their horses and I observed, greeted me with a name that I do not met, Teo called me and seeing my face of confusion believed that he had suffered a strong blow to the head and that he was woundedwent forced me to accompany them to his strange journey, these men were carrying bows and arrows, swords, masses of battle as well as a quite different from steel metal Armors, I went the way with these men without knowing where they were going, even if we delve into the forest every time more, and the more did it became increasingly mysterious, strangest and most scary, it was then that we come to a cave, in which the men descended taking swords and other weapons, I was given the order to stay behind them while I was carrying a shield and a mass, we are entering this cave alumbrandonos with a torch approaching a darkness impenetrable, which should remain United not to get lost in the strange caveWhile continued were finding bodies in pools of blood at times bodies were shattered, on other occasions the bodies had been mutilated and on other occasions they had been stacked in large packages of meat, bodies did think that they were of children and girls aged between 13 and 15 years, we will continue advancing, while my co-workers placed the scuba equipment and preparing more even their weaponsWe were getting more and more until finally found a group of men who see us when we launched the attack as wild beasts, the battle began in an uneven way, however my travel companions were far more proficient in combat than the attackers, during these events I found myself forced to fight for my life and kill itthat was how ended what, we had killed at least 20 people, was then that the leader of the group led us deeper into the cave, where we found bodies scattered others of these children, was then that I realized that these children had strange membranes stuck to your body, these were huge and looked like wings of an insect, a pretty big oneone of the soldiers said;
-We arrived late, these killers have killed all the fairies in this cave-
The captain replied;
-Meet all the bodies and prendanles fire-
After this I was forced to perform those actions quite monstrous, I remembered my childhood children's films that do not resemble at all this, one of the men began to talk to me saying;
-I have an uncle that tell many stories of forests, one of those stories said that when a child is too special among men, a fairy turns and disappears from the village to search for others who are born equally special to them, however as you can see, these marries them to tear out the wings and sell black-market between black magicians and alchemists more profaneThis is worse that a nightmare, is an eyesore, even assuming that this race is very different from men, no one has the right to make this kind of actions to any other living being, wolves hunt by hunger and sometimes kill the men but they do so by feeding, not for money or fame, but these human offal that make these terrible actionsthey are real monsters, some men should simply never being born, because you say you, who are you to decide who lives and who dies?, I think he's right, but who were they to murder as well?, so much barbarity cannot be justified in any way in any race -
The conversation had to end because the fire started and we had to get out of the cave, expecting us abroad a man I knew, was the man in black, although this time wore a mask of Devil with two long horns, said the captain of the Group of warriors;
-great necromancer, your will has done, but I fear that we have arrived late and all the inhabitants of the cave were killed-
Through the mask man observed the soldiers among them to me;
-To return to their homes, do not have anyone on this, any foreigner entering the forest without consent of you matenle immediately because these murderers will not hesitate to do the same with you, as for you traveller, you must return by where it came, until it too -
The dream ended suddenly as if this man had ordered it, I woke up in my bed looking for blood from corpses and samples of combat, everything seemed to have been a dream, one quite disturbing, that sometimes I remember so vividly that fills me with horror, with such shattered bodies, sometimes dream of what they told me in the dream were innocent creatures, on one occasion while my niece saw a children's movie sombre fairies, I got a shiver, because they spoke of magic and power in the hands of a pirate, this children and especially to my niece, liked much and it made them dreaming of magical stories of beautiful and mysterious places, but I enter me in chilling memoriesof strange mysterious and profane, events that fill my mind uncertainty, because a fairy represents today a curious symbol of magical power, however in antiquity were symbol of innocence and virtue, which I saw completely devastated.
Hello, my name is Overtimeneowar, I'm a writer by choice, i make Amateur art, if you like my work and want help me, shares my blogg links on your faceboock or twitter, follow me on my page Faceboock, Poesia e historias de terror , or my Youtube channel Overtimeneowar, greetings and a good night ....
Hello, my name is Overtimeneowar, I'm a writer by choice, i make Amateur art, if you like my work and want help me, shares my blogg links on your faceboock or twitter, follow me on my page Faceboock, Poesia e historias de terror , or my Youtube channel Overtimeneowar, greetings and a good night ....
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